Image Quotient – A diagnostic tool for image

Posted on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 | No Comments

A place where you can find almost all designer and international labels less than one roof. Aha! Here I was, with my best friend who wanted to shop for two new dresses. One for an upcoming wedding ceremony and another one for a formal work meeting.

As always, the reason for this purchase was – “I have no clothes to wear”. And dear readers this time it was a boy in front of me claiming to have no clothes in his wardrobe!

He then shared that most of the times he chooses to not to wear or repeat his clothes because he did not find the confidence and liking to wearing them again. He did not know the reason for why the product that looked so good at the store did not appeal him much later. For all he was doing was visiting the designer or the brand and picking up stuff recommended to him.

All that made him happy was, that he could boast of wearing a new designer wear in each occasion and make his gang feel envious. But somewhere he was in pain because he had piles of unused clothes with loads of money spent on them. And he had no clue how to manage his wardrobe.

“Does your attire reflect who you are or how you wish to present yourself?” I asked. He thought for a moment and replied in a big NO.

That’s where the gap exists.

Most of the times we buy clothes and accessories because they are IN trend/ are designer labels/ are our favourite color/ or because you they are on sale or probably they fit well!

While shopping, how many of us focus on if that piece of clothing or accessory is right for our body shape /what the message that these pieces communicate / what is the occasion/ or of that attire matches our personality /the message that our appearance will communicate – in a nutshell do we focus on what IMAGE shall our clothing and grooming create in the eyes of others?

Even before we speak, people form an impression about us. And this takes just 3 seconds to form a long-lasting impression.

All the time, we all are representing an image, knowingly and unknowingly, through our verbal and non-verbal communication including appearance. And the reaction of this representation from people we are surrounded with, impacts us much deeply than we normally imagine.

Through the Image that we project we communicate with people without saying a word. And who doesn’t want to project a winning image?

Image Management is needed by all because it aligns you to the real you. It isn’t just personality development or corporate business etiquette or just about looking good.

It is a blend of aligning your personality to be able to project the authentic you in accordance with your roles and goals, an appropriate you by giving you intelligence to dress for the occasion and look the part, adding that dash of attractiveness by giving an edge of confidence and consistency to your personality and last but not the least ensuring it is affordable.

Simply Magical! Isn’t it?

My friend and many more of you are eager to know HOW TO IDENTIFY THE GAP.

All you need to do is to connect with an Image Consultant and let him take you through a scientifically designed assessment – Image Quotient. This is like a diagnosis session with your doctor, an Image Doctor who will help you analyse what and how much Image makeover guidance is needed by you to align yourself and your perception in the eyes of others.

I am about to start the Image Quotient analysis for my friend who is finally done with his phone calls and is headed toward me with coffee and nachos.

Signing off for now