FAQs about Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training
Following are some of the frequently asked questions about Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training. Click on any question to see the answer and click again on the question to close the answer box.
Is Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training a new profession?
No profession is ever new. It is the format which is new. The core work of Image Consultants and Soft Skills Trainers is to guide and coach people to become better in order to achieve greater success. In earlier times this role was undertaken by parents, teachers and other well wishers. There was hardly any competition and little help from these people was enough. In fact in every successful person’s life there has been someone who guided him/her on presenting themselves better and relating to others in more effective manner. There have been movies like ‘My Fair Lady’ in UK and ‘Chhoti si Baat’ in India as much as 50 years back wherein actors played the role of an Image Consultant to guide someone else to become more successful. They were not called Image Consultants at that time just like mothers and teachers were not called Image Consultants. With increasing competition leading to survival of the fittest, the profession became highly sought after and paid one in the last decade. Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training is not a new profession but it is New Age profession.
What is the difference between Image Consulting and Fashion Design?
Fashion Design is all about designing garments. When a fashion designer designs garments a particular customer is not in the mind. The focus is on the garment. Image Consultants have far more knowledge about clothing with reference to a particular client. They advice clients on managing their appearance based on roles, goals, occasions, personal style, and personal characteristics of body shape, face shape, personal colours and affordability. In fact at times Image Consultants hire Fashion Designers to create clothes for their clients. Image Consultants also guide and train clients on grooming, body language, etiquette and soft skills. Fashion is one element of Image Consulting just like carpentry, electrical, plumbing etc is one element of Interior Design.
What is the difference between Image Consulting and Grooming?
Grooming is about makeup and personal hygiene. This is just one element of appearance. Image Consultants are professionals who have in depth knowledge of clothing, grooming, body language, etiquette and soft skills. Every Image Consultant is also a grooming professional with additional knowledge of countering and repeating techniques as per face shape. Grooming is one element of Image Consulting just like carpentry, electrical, plumbing etc is one element of Interior Design.
What is the difference between Image Consulting and Personality Development?
Personality Development is a widely misused term in India. Usually these sessions are basically motivational lectures. Some of them go little deeper and talk about attitude. Image Consulting is about guiding and training clients on the complete success framework of managing appearance to create powerful first impressions to get more opportunities in life and instilling soft skills to perform better when these opportunities present themselves. Personality Development is one element of Image Management just like carpentry, electrical, plumbing etc is one element of Interior Design.
Are people aware of this industry and is there a need?
India has the largest young population in the world and it will keep increasing by the day. This has resulted in competition getting fiercer with each passing day. It is about the survival of the fittest. Just like in the health care industry wherein sooner or later everyone will fall sick and will need medical treatment, everyone needs Image Management and Soft Skills in their lives. It is the biggest need of the hour. In any profession or industry the realization of need is a relative term. India has a huge population and even a small percent of people feeling the need creates work for thousands of Image Consultants and Soft skill Trainers. The market keeps growing and in India, training and development is one of the biggest businesses for next three decades. Also understand that the industry is about guiding people for greater success and everyone desires that.